Learning Health Systems

Innovative Methods to Promote Regional Operational Value and Efficiency Program (IMPROVE)

The Innovative Methods to Promote Regional Operational Value and Efficiency (IMPROVE) program aims to enhance the care provided to Kaiser Permanente Colorado members and communities while fostering collaboration across organizational partners.
The IMPROVE portfolio encompasses a diverse range of projects aimed at enhancing care delivery, operational efficiency, and patient outcomes within Kaiser Permanente Colorado. These initiatives reflect a commitment to evidence-based practices, interdisciplinary collaboration, and continuous improvement in healthcare delivery.

IMPROVE projects:

Facilitate collaborations between IHR, KPCO Health Plan, CPMG, Kaiser Permanente Medical Foundation and Risant Health.

Support projects that:

  • address pragmatic question that will prompt an action or decision to systematically improve care delivery, affordability, efficiency, patient-centeredness
  • reflect the need for timely results that can inform decisions while ensuring sufficient time to apply rigorous methods
  • contribute to generalizable knowledge

Diagram of three interlocking circles in different shades of blue around an inner circle with words: IMPROVE objectives: Facilitate collaborations between research, clinical and operational partners, align with clinical and operational priorities and improve care for members and the communities Kaiser Permanente Colorado serves.

Improve the care delivered to Kaiser Permanente Colorado members and the communities Kaiser Permanente Colorado serves.

KPCO IMPROVE Impact Framework Conceptual Model

KPCO IMPROVE Concept Model that shows how IMPROVE resources are used to benefit KPCO, lead to scientific activities and outcomes and benefit the community.

View KPCO IMPROVE Impact Framework Conceptual Model printable version (PDF)

Featured Projects

Research and Operational Leaders: Heather Feigelson, PhD, MPH (IHR), Shauna Goldberg, MPH CHES (IHR), Alison Escobar (Ops), Sarah Appleton, MD (Ops), Amy Duckro, MD (Ops)
Purpose: Evaluate patient acceptance of primary HPV testing and patient messaging for cervical cancer screening.
Anticipated Outcomes: Insights into screening rates, utilization patterns, and patient satisfaction with HPV testing over traditional Pap smear screening.
End Date: Ongoing through 2024
Research and Operational Leaders: Debra Ritzwoller, PhD (IHR), Julie Steiner, MA (IHR), Andrew Maclellan, MD (Ops), Amy Duckro, MD (Ops)
Purpose: Enhance lung cancer screening participation through improved eligibility ascertainment.
Anticipated Outcomes: Identification of high-risk populations, development of interventions, and creation of a registry for targeted interventions.
End Date: Ongoing through 2024
Research and Operational Leaders: Stacie Daugherty, MD, MSPH (IHR), Arne Beck, PhD (IHR), Megan Baldwin, BS (IHR), Lori Klarquist, DO (Ops), Lynn Barta, MD (Ops), Lana Tsirkin, MD (Ops), Holly Little, MD (Ops), Megan Wendlant, DO (Ops), Morgan Swank, MD (Ops), Katerina Martinez, NP-BC (Ops)
Purpose: Standardize monitoring and treatment of postpartum hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.
Anticipated Outcomes: Improved postpartum care protocols, reduced hospital readmissions, and improved blood pressure control.
End Date: Implementation planned for Spring 2024
Research and Operational Leaders: John Steiner, MD, MPH (IHR), Andrea Daddato, PhD, MS (IHR), Wendee Gozansky, MD, MPH (Ops), Tracy Lippard, MD (Ops)
Purpose: Improve preoperative and postoperative care for KPCO members over 65 undergoing elective surgeries.
Anticipated Outcomes: Enhanced screening for frailty or cognitive impairment, improved referral rates for geriatric services, and evaluation of program impact on hospitalizations and post-operative care.
End Date: Ongoing through 2026
Research and Operational Leaders: John Steiner, MD, MPH (IHR), Shane Mueller, PhD, MSW (IHR), Amy Duckro, MD (Ops), Lauren Ambrozic (Ops)
Purpose: Enhance member communication and avoid communication overload using automated technologies.
Anticipated Outcomes: Improved member satisfaction, optimized communication workflows, and development of a member satisfaction dashboard.
End Date: Ongoing through 2024
Research and Operational Leaders: Sheridan Green, PhD, MS (IHR), Denise Hartsock, MPH (IHR), Jennifer Kelloff, MD (Ops)
Purpose: Expand PEARLS screening for youth with behavioral health challenges.
Anticipated Outcomes: Enhanced screening practices, improved referral rates, and better understanding of social health needs.
End Date: Ongoing through 2024

IMPROVE Leadership Team

Shane Mueller, PhD, MSW Shane Mueller, PhD, MSW Program Manager
Angela Comer, MPH Angela Comer, MPH Steering Committee | IHR Manager of Operations
P. Michael Ho P. Michael Ho, MD, PhD Medical Director of Improve | Senior Clinician Investigator

Executive Sponsors

  • Wendolyn S. Gozansky, MD, MPH, VP Chief Quality Officer
  • Cortney Eisses, BSN, MS, VP Care and Utilization Management

Are you interested in starting an IMPROVE Project?

IMPROVE Projects should:

  • reflect a collaboration between IHR researchers and KPCO/CPMG operations and/or clinical stakeholders
  • address a question that will prompt an action or decision to systematically improve care delivery
  • reflect the need for timely results that can inform decisions while ensuring sufficient time to apply rigorous methods
  • contribute to generalizable knowledge with an intent to share findings with the clinical and research community

If you have an idea for an IMPROVE project, please contact:

IMPROVE Director John F. Steiner, MD, MPH and Project Manager Shane Mueller, PhD, MSW