Publications 2014

To see Publications by Investigator, please visit our Investigator pages.

Ahmedani BK, Simon GE, Stewart C, Beck A, Waitzfelder BE, Rossom R, Lynch F, Owen-Smith A, Hunkeler EM, Whiteside U, Operskalski BH, Coffey MJ, Solberg LI. Health Care Contacts in the Year Before Suicide Death. J Gen Intern Med 2014;  29(6): 870-877. PMID:24567199

Albright K, Daley MF, Kempe A, Pyrzanowski J, Jimenez-Zambrano A, Campagna EJ, Shlay JC. Parent Attitudes About Adolescent School-Located Vaccination and Billing. J Adolesc Health 2014;  55(5):665-671. PMID:25037893

Allen LA, Shetterly SM, Peterson PN, Gurwitz JH, Smith DH, Brand DW, Fairclough DL, Rumsfeld JS, Masoudi FA, Magid DJ. Guideline Concordance of Testing for Hyperkalemia and Kidney Dysfunction during Initiation of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonist Therapy in Patients with Heart Failure. Circ Heart Fail2014;  7(1):43-50. PMID:24281136

Arterburn D, Johnson ES, Butler MG, Fisher D, Bayliss EA. Predicting 90-day mortality after bariatric surgery: an independent, external validation of the OS-MRS prognostic risk score. Surg Obes Relat Dis2014; 10 (5):774-779. PMID:25282196

Arterburn D, Powers JD, Toh S, Polsky S, Butler MG, Portz JD, Donahoo WT, Herrinton L, Williams RJ, Vijayadeva V, Fisher D, Bayliss EA. Comparative Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding vs Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass. JAMA Surg 2014;  149(12):1279-1287. PMID:25353723

Bayliss EA, Balasubramianian BA, Gill JM, Stange KC. Perspectives in primary care: implementing patient-centered care coordination for individuals with multiple chronic medical conditions. Ann Fam Med 2014; 12(6):500-503. PMID:25384810

Bayliss EA, Bonds DE, Boyd CM, Davis MM, Finke B, Fox MH, Glasgow RE, Goodman RA, Heurtin-Roberts S, Lachenmayr S, Lind C, Madigan EA, Meyers DS, Mintz S, Nilsen WJ, Okun S, Ruiz S, Salive ME, Stange KC. Understanding the context of health for persons with multiple chronic conditions: moving from what is the matter to what matters. Ann Fam Med 2014; 12(3):260-269. PMID:24821898

Bayliss EA, Reifler LM, Zeng C, McQuillan DB, Ellis JL, Steiner JF. Competing risks of cancer mortality and cardiovascular events in individuals with multimorbidity. Journal of Comorbidity 2014; 4(1):29-36. doi:10.15256/joc.2014.4.41

Beck A, Crain L, Solberg LI, Unutzer J, Maciosek MV, Whitebird RR, Rossom RC. The Effect of Depression Treatment on Work Productivity. Am J Manag Care 2014; 20(8):e294-e301. PMID:25295792

Binswanger IA, Carson EA, Krueger PMID, Mueller SR, Steiner JF, Sabol WJ. Prison tobacco control policies and deaths from smoking in United States prisons: population based retrospective analysis. BMJ2014; 349:g4542. PMID:25097186

Blair IV, Steiner JF, Hanratty R, Price DW, Fairclough DL, Daugherty SL, Bronsert M, Magid DJ, Havranek EP. An Investigation of Associations Between Clinicians' Ethnic or Racial Bias and Hypertention Treatment, Medication Adherence and Blood Pressure Control. J Gen Intern Med 2014; 29(7):987-995. PMID:24549521

Boggs JM, Beck A, Felder JN, Dimidjian S, Metcalf CA, Segal ZV. Web-based intervention in mindfulness meditation for reducing residual depressive symptoms and relapse prophylaxis: a qualitative study. J Med Internet Res 2014; 16(3):e87. PMID:24662625

Bussing R, Narwaney KJ, Winterstein AG, Newton DA, Debar L, Boscarino JA, Toh S, Pawloski P, Nordin JD, Herrinton LJ, Mason D, Daley MF. Pharmacotherapy for Incident Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Practice Patterns and Quality Metrics. Curr Med Res Opin 2014; (8):1687-1699. PMID:24635013

Daley MF, Kempe A, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt TM, Dickinson LM, Kile D, Fang H, Rinehart DJ, Shlay JC. School-located Vaccination of Adolescents with Insurance Billing: Cost, Reimbursement, and Vaccination Outcomes. J Adolesc Health 2014; 54(3):282-288. PMID:24560036

Daley MF, Newton DA, Debar L, Newcomer SR, Pieper L, Boscarino JA, Toh S, Pawloski P, Nordin JD, Nakasato C, Herrinton LJ, Bussing R. Accuracy of Electronic Health Record-Derived Data for the Identification of Incident ADHD. J Atten Disord 2014; Feb 7 [epub ahead of print]. PMID:24510475

Daley MF, Yih WK, Glanz JM, Hambidge SJ, Narwaney KJ, Yin R, Li L, Nelson JC, Nordin JD, Klein NP, Jacobsen SJ, Weintraub E. Safety of diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and inactivated poliovirus (DTaP-IPV) vaccine. Vaccine 2014; 32(25): 3019-3024. PMID:24699471

Dimidjian S, Beck A, Felder JN, Boggs J. Web-based Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for reducing residual depressive symptoms: An open trial and quasi-experimental comparison to propensity score matched controls. Behav Res Ther 2014; 63C:83-89. [epub ahead of print]. PMID:25461782

Dublin S, Johnson KE, Walker RL, Avalos LA, Andrade SE, Beaton SJ, Davis RL, Herrinton LJ, Pawloski PA, Raebel MA, Smith DH, Toh S, Caughey AB. Trends in Elective Labor Induction for Six United States Health Plans, 2001-2007. J Womens Health (Larchmt ) 2014;  23(11): 904-911. PMID:25330378

Feigelson HS, Bischoff K, Ardini MA, Ravel J, Gail MH, Flores R, Goedert JJ. Feasibility of self-collection of fecal specimens by randomly sampled women for health-related studies of the gut microbiome. BMC Res Notes 2014; 7: 204. PMID:24690120

Feigelson HS, Goddard KA, Hollombe C, Tingle SR, Gillanders EM, Mechanic LE, Nelson SA. Approaches to Integrating Germline and Tumor Genomic Data in Cancer Research. Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(10):2157-2163. PMID:25115441

Feigelson HS, Zeng C, Pawloski PA, Onitilo AA, Richards CS, Johnson MA, Kauffman TL, Webster J, Nyirenda C, Alexander GL, Hwang C, Cross D, McCarty CA, Davis RL, Schwarzkopf D, Williams AE, Honda S, Daida Y, Kushi LH, Delate T, Goddard KA. Does KRAS Testing in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Impact Overall Survival? A Comparative Effectiveness Study in a Population-Based Sample. PLoS One2014; 9(5):e94977. PMID:24788807

Felder J, Dimidjian S, Beck A, Boggs JM, Segal Z. Mindful Mood Balance: A Case Report of Web-Based Treatment of Residual Depressive Symptoms. Perm J 2014; 18(4): 58-62. PMID:25141988

Feuer EJ, Rabin BA, Zou Z, Wang Z, Xiong X, Ellis JLSteiner JF, Cynkin L, Nekhlyudov L, Bayliss E, Hankey BF. The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Cancer Survival Calculator SEER*CSC: Validation in a Managed Care Setting. J Natl Cancer Inst Mon 2014;  (49):265-274. PMID:25417240     
Fuhrman BJ, Feigelson HS, Flores R, Gail MH, Xu X, Ravel J, Goedert JJ. Associations of the Fecal Microbiome With Urinary Estrogens and Estrogen Metabolites in Postmenopausal Women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2014;  99(12):4632-4640. PMID:25211668

Gao D, Grunwald GK, Xu S. A Simple Approach to Sample Size Calculation for Count Data in Matched Cohort Studies. Int J Stat Med Res 2014; 25 August:321-330. doi:10.6000/1929-6029.2014.03.03.11

Garrido T, Meng D, Wang JJ, Palen TE, Kanter MH. Secure E-mailing Between Physicians and Patients: Transformational Change in Ambulatory Care. J Ambul Care Manage 2014; 37(3):211-218. PMID:24887522

Hambidge SJ, Newcomer SR, Narwaney KJ, Glanz JM, Daley MFXu S, Shoup JA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Klein NP, Lee GM, Nelson JC, Lugg M, Naleway AL, Nordin JD, Weintraub E, Destefano F. Timely Versus Delayed Early Childhood Vaccination and Seizures. Pediatrics 2014; 133(6):e1492-e1499. PMID:24843064

Hazlehurst BL, Lawrence JM, Donahoo WT, Sherwood NE, Kurtz SE, Xu S, Steiner JF. Automating assessment of lifestyle counseling in electronic health records. Am J Prev Med 2014; 46(5):457-464. PMID:24745635

Holmes JH, Elliott TE, Brown JS, Raebel MA, Davidson A, Nelson AF, Chung A, La CP, Steiner JF. Clinical research data warehouse governance for distributed research networks in the USA: a systematic review of the literature. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014; 21(4):730-736. PMID:24682495

Kawai AT, Li L, Kulldorff M, Vellozzi C, Weintraub E, Baxter R, Belongia EA, Daley MF, Jacobsen SJ, Naleway A, Nordin JD, Lee GM. Absence of associations between influenza vaccines and increased risks of seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, or anaphylaxis in the 2012-2013 season. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23(5):548-553. PMID:24497128

Kempe A, Daley MF, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt T, Fang H, Rinehart DJ, Morgan N, Riis M, Rodgers S, McCormick E, Hammer A, Campagna EJ, Kile D, Dickinson M, Hambidge SJ, Shlay JC. School-located influenza vaccination with third-party billing: outcomes, cost, and reimbursement. Acad Pediatr 2014; 14(3):234-240. PMID:24767776

Kempe A, Daley MF, Pyrzanowski J, Vogt TM, Campagna EJ, Dickinson LM, Hambidge SJ, Shlay JC. School-located influenza vaccination with third-party billing: what do parents think? Acad Pediatr 2014; 14(3):241-248. PMID:24767777

Kharbanda EO, Parker ED, Sinaiko AR, Daley MF, Margolis KL, Becker M, Sherwood NE, Magid DJ, O'Connor PJ. Initiation of Oral Contraceptives and Changes in Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index in Healthy Adolescents. J Pediatr 2014; 165(5):1029-1033. PMID:25189822

Kharbanda EO, Vazquez-Benitez G, Lipkind H, Naleway AL, Klein NP, Cheetham TC, Hambidge SJ, Vellozzi C, Nordin JD. Receipt of pertussis vaccine during pregnancy across 7 Vaccine Safety Datalink Sites. Prev Med 2014; 67:316-319. PMID:24952094

Kharbanda EO, Vazquez-Benitez G, Lipkind HS, Klein NP, Cheetham TC, Naleway A, Omer SB, Hambidge SJ, Lee GM, Jackson ML, McCarthy NL, Destefano F, Nordin JD. Evaluation of the association of maternal pertussis vaccination with obstetric events and birth outcomes. JAMA 2014;  312(18):1897-1904. PMID:25387187

Krist AH, Phillips SM, Sabo RT, Balasubramanian BA, Heurtin-Roberts S, Ory MG, Johnson SB, Sheinfeld-Gorin SN, Estabrooks PA, Ritzwoller DP, Glasgow RE. Adoption, reach, implementation, and maintenance of a behavioral and mental health assessment in primary care. Ann Fam Med 2014;  12(6):525-533. PMID:25384814

Li DK, Raebel MA, Cheetham TC, Hansen C, Avalos L, Chen H, Davis R. Genital herpes and its treatment in relation to preterm delivery. Am J Epidemiol 2014;  180(11):1109-1117.  PMID:25392064

Lo JC, Chandra M, Sinaiko A, Daniels SR, Prineas RJ, Maring B, Parker ED, Sherwood NE, Daley MF, Kharbanda EO, Adams KF, Magid DJ, O'Connor PJ, Greenspan LC. Severe obesity in children: prevalence, persistence and relation to hypertension. Int J Pediatr Endocrinol 2014; (1):3. PMID:24580759

Loggers ET, Fishman PA, Peterson D, O'Keeffe-Rosetti M, Greenberg C, Hornbrook MC, Kushi LH, Lowry S, Ramaprasan A, Wagner EH, Weeks JC, Ritzwoller DP. Advanced Imaging Among Health Maintenance Organization Enrollees With Cancer. J Oncol Pract 2014; 10(4): 231-238. PMID:24844241

Lu CY, Zhang F, Lakoma MD, Madden JM, Rusinak D, Penfold RB, Simon G, Ahmedani BK, Clarke G, Hunkeler EM, Waitzfelder B, Owen-Smith A, Raebel MA, Rossom R, Coleman KJ, Copeland LA, Soumerai SB. Changes in antidepressant use by young people and suicidal behavior after FDA warnings and media coverage: quasi-experimental study. BMJ 2014; 348:g3596. PMID:24942789

Maciejewski ML, Bayliss EA. Approaches to comparative effectiveness research in multimorbid populations. Med Care2014; 52 Suppl 3:S23-S30. PMID:24561754

Margolis KL, Greenspan LC, Trower NK, Daley MF, Daniels SR, Lo JC, Kharbanda EO, Sinaiko AR, Magid DJ, Parker ED, Chandra M, Tavel HM, O'Connor PJ. Lipid Screening in Children and Adolescents in Community Practice: 2007 to 2010. Circ Cardiovasc qual Outcomes 2014; 7(5): 718-726. PMID:25160839

McClure DL, Raebel MA, Yih WK, Shoaibi A, Mullersman JE, Anderson-Smits C, Glanz JM. Mini-Sentinel methods: framework for assessment of positive results from signal refinement. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23(1):3-8. PMID:24395545

McCubbin T, Dimidjian S, Kempe K, Glassey MS, Ross C, Beck A. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction in an Integrated Care Delivery System:  Impacts on Patient-centered Outcomes and Health Care Utilization at One Year. Permanente J 2014; 18(4):4-9. PMID:25662520

McGlynn EA, Lieu TA, Durham ML, Bauck A, Laws R, Go AS, Chen J, Feigelson HS, et al. Developing a data infrastructure for a learning health system: The PORTAL Network. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2014; 21(4):596-601. PMID:24821738

McNeil MM, Gee J, Weintraub ES, Belongia EA, Lee GM, Glanz JM, Nordin JD, Klein NP, Baxter R, Naleway AL, Jackson LA, Omer SB, Jacobsen SJ, Destefano F. The Vaccine Safety Datalink: successes and challenges monitoring vaccine safety. Vaccine 2014; 32(42):5390-5398. PMID:25108215

Naleway AL, Kurosky S, Henninger ML, Gold R, Nordin JD, Kharbanda EO, Irving S, Craig CT, Nakasato C, Glanz JM,Hambidge SJ, Davis RL, Klein NP, McCarthy NL, Weintraub E. Vaccinations given during pregnancy, 2002-2009: a descriptive study. Am J Prev Med 2014; 46(2):150-157. PMID:24439348

Nelson JC, Shortreed SM, Yu O, Peterson D, Baxter R, Fireman B, Lewis N, McClure D, Weintraub E, Xu S, Jackson LA, on behalf of the Vaccine Safety Datalink Project. Integrating Database Knowledge and Epidemiological Design to Improve the Implementation of Data Mining Methods to Evaluate Vaccine Safety in Large Healthcare Databases. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 2014; 7(5):337-351. doi:10.1002/sam.11232

O'Connor PJ, Magid DJ, Sperl-Hillen JM, Price DW, Asche SE, Rush WA, Ekstrom HL, Brand DW, Tavel HM, Godlevsky OV, Johnson PE, Margolis KL. Personalised physician learning intervention to improve hypertension and lipid control: randomised trial comparing two methods of physician profiling. BMJ Qual Saf2014; 23(12):1014-1022. PMID:25228778

O'Connor PJ, Schmittdiel JA, Pathak RD, Harris RI, Newton KM, Ohnsorg KA, Heisler M, Sterrett ATXu S, Dyer WT, Raebel MA, Thomas A, Schroeder EB, Desai JR, Steiner JF. Randomized Trial of Telephone Outreach to Improve Medication Adherence and Metabolic Control in Adults With Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2014;  37(12):3317-3324.  PMID:25315207

Paolino AR, Lauf SL, Pieper LE, Rowe J, Vargas IM, Goff MA, Daley MF, Tuzzio L, Steiner JF. Accelerating Regulatory Progress in Multi-Institutional Research. eGEMS (Generating Evidence & Methods to Improve Patient Outcomes) 2014; 2(1): 1076. PMID:25848593

Portz JD, Retrum JH, Wright LA, Boggs JM, Wilkins S, Grimm C, Gilchrist K, Gozansky WS. Assessing Capacity for Providing Culturally Competent Services to LGBT Older Adults. J Gerontol Soc Work 2014; 57(2-4):305-321. PMID:24798180

Rabin BA, Ellis JLSteiner JF, Nekhlyudov L, Feuer EJ, Hankey BF, Cynkin L, Bayliss E. Health-Care Utilization by Prognosis Profile in a Managed Care Setting: Using the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Cancer Survival Calculator SEER*CSC. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr 2014;  (49):275-281. PMID:25417241

Raebel MA, Ellis JL, Schroeder EB, Xu S, O'Connor PJ, Segal JB, Butler MG, Schmittdiel JA, Kirchner HL, Goodrich GK, Lawrence JM, Nichols GA, Newton KM, Pathak RD, Steiner JF. Intensification of antihyperglycemic therapy among patients with incident diabetes: a Surveillance Prevention and Management of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23(7):699-710. PMID:24639086

Raebel MA, Haynes K, Woodworth TS, Saylor G, Cavagnaro E, Coughlin KO, Curtis LH, Weiner MG, Archdeacon P, Brown JS. Electronic clinical laboratory test results data tables: lessons from Mini-Sentinel. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2014; 23(6):609-618. PMID:24677577

Raebel MA, Newcomer SR, Bayliss EA, Boudreau D, Debar L, Elliott TE, Ahmed AT, Pawloski PA, Fisher D, Toh S, Donahoo WT. Chronic opioid use emerging after bariatric surgery. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf2014; 23(12):1247-1257. PMID:24733580

Raebel MA, Penfold R, McMahon AW, Reichman M, Shetterly SGoodrich G, Andrade S, Correll CU, Gerhard T. Adherence to Guidelines for Glucose Assessment in Starting Second-Generation Antipsychotics. Pediatrics 2014; 134(5):e1308-e1314. PMID:25287454

Rahm AK, Boggs JM, Martin C, Price DW, Beck A, Backer TE, Dearing JW. Facilitators and Barriers to Implementing SBIRT in Primary Care in Integrated Health Care Settings. Subst Abus 2014; 0. PMID:25127073

Ritzwoller DPCarroll NM, Delate T, Hornbrook MC, Kushi L, Bowles EJ, Loggers ET, Menter A. Comparative Effectiveness of Adjunctive Bevacizumab for Advanced Lung Cancer: The Cancer Research Network Experience. J Thorac Oncol 2014; 9(5):692-701. PMID:24633407

Roblin DW, Ritzwoller DP, Rees DI, Carroll NM, Chang A, Daley MF. The influence of deductible health plans on receipt of the human papillomavirus vaccine series. J Adolesc Health 2014; 54(3):275-281. PMID:24560035

Ross TR, Ng D, Brown JS, Pardee R, Hornbrook MC, Hart G, Steiner JF. The HMO Research Network Virtual Data Warehouse: A Public Data Model to Support Collaboration. eGEMs (Generating Evidence & Methods to Improve Patient Outcomes) 2014; 2(1): 1049. PMID:25848584

Schmittdiel JA, Raebel MA, Dyer W, Xu S, Goodrich GK, Schroeder EB, Segal JB, O'Connor PJ, Nichols GA, Lawrence JM, Kirchner HL, Karter AJ, Lafata JE, Butler MG, Steiner JF. Prescription medication burden in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes: A SUrveillance, PREvention, and ManagEment of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) study. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003) 2014; 54(4): 374-382. PMID:24860866

Schmittdiel JA, Steiner JF, Adams AS, Dyer W, Beals J, Henderson WG, Desai J, Morales LS, Nichols GA, Lawrence JM, Waitzfelder B, Butler MG, Pathak RD, Hamman RF, Manson SM. Diabetes care and outcomes for American Indians and Alaska natives in commercial integrated delivery systems: a SUrveillance, PREvention, and ManagEment of Diabetes Mellitus (SUPREME-DM) Study. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2014;  2(1):e000043. PMID:25452877

Schroeder EB, Bayliss EA, Daugherty SL, Steiner JF. Gender differences in cardiovascular risk factors in incident diabetes. Womens Health Issues 2014; 24(1):e61-e68. PMID:24439948

Schroeder EB, Goodrich GK, Newton KM, Schmittdiel JA, Raebel MA. Implications of different laboratory-based incident diabetic kidney disease definitions on comparative effectiveness studies. J Comp Eff Res2014; 3(4):359-369. PMID:25275233

Simon GE, Stewart C, Beck A, Ahmedani BK, Coleman KJ, Whitebird RR, Lynch F, Owen-Smith AA, Waitzfelder BE, Soumerai SB, Hunkeler EM. National Prevalence of Receipt of Antidepressant Prescriptions by Persons Without a Psychiatric Diagnosis. Psychiatr Serv 2014; May 1. [epub ahead of print]. PMID:24788368

Solberg LI, Crain AL, Rubenstein L, Untzer J, Whitebird R, Beck A. How much shared decision making occurs in usual pirmary care of depression? J Am Board Fam Med 2014; 27(2):199-208. PMID:24610182

Steiner JF. Promoting Mentorship in Translational Research: Should We Hope for Athena or Train Mentor? Acad Med2014; 89(5):702-704. PMID:24667518

Steiner JF, Paolino AR, Thompson EE, Larson E. Sustaining Research Networks: the Twenty-Year Experience of the HMO Research Network. eGEMs (Generating Evidence & Methods to improve patient putcomes) 2014; 2(2): 1067. PMID:254848605

Thompson EE, Steiner JF. Embedded Research to Improve Health: The 20th Annual HMO Research Network Conference, March 31 - April 3, 2014, Phoenix, Arizona. Clin Med Res 2014;  12(1-2):73-76. PMID:25352609

VanderWalde NA, Salloum RG, Liu TL, Hornbrook MC, O'Keeffe Rosetti MC, Ritzwoller DP, Fishman PA, Elston LJ, Khandani AH, Chera BS. Positron Emission Tomography and Stage Migration in Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2014; 140(7): 654-661. PMID:24875939

Vaz LE, Kleinman KP, Raebel MA, Nordin JD, Lakoma MD, Dutta-Linn MM, Finkelstein JA. Recent Trends in Outpatient Antibiotic Use in Children. Pediatrics 2014; 133(3):375-385. PMID:24488744

Wang Z, Zhu B, Zhang M, Pankh H, Jia J, ...Feigelson HS, et al. Imputation and subset based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33. Hum Mol Genet 2014; 23(24): 6616-6633. PMID:25027329

Weintraub ES, Baggs J, Duffy J, Vellozzi C, Belongia EA, Irving S, Klein NP, Glanz JM, Jacobsen SJ, Naleway A, Jackson LA, Destefano F. Risk of intussusception after monovalent rotavirus vaccination. N Engl J Med 2014; 370(6):513-519. PMID:24422678

Whitebird RR, Solberg LI, Jaeckels NA, Pietruszewski PB, Hadzic S, Maddox JU, Ohnsorg KA, Rossom RC, Beck AS, Joslyn KE, Rubenstein LV. Effective Implementation of collaborative care for depression: what is needed? Am J Manag Care 2014;  20(9):699-707. PMID:25365745

Xu S, Newcomer S, Nelson J, Qian L, McClure D, Pan Y, Zeng C, Glanz J. Signal detection of adverse events with imperfect confirmation rates in vaccine safety studies using self-controlled case series design. Biom J 2014; 56(3):313-325. PMID:24402780

Xu S, Schroeder EB, Shetterly S, Goodrich GK, O'Connor PJ, Steiner JF, Schmittdiel JA, Desai J, Pathak RD, Neugebauer R, Butler MG, Kirchner L, Raebel MA. Accuracy of Hemoglobin A1c Imputation using Fasting Plasma Glucose in Diabetes Research using Electronic Health Records Data. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing 2014; 2(2).

Xu S, Shetterly S, Raebel MA, Ho PM, Tsai TT, Magid D. Estimating the effects of time-varying exposures in observational studies using Cox models with stabilized weights adjustment. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf2014; 23(8): 812-818. PMID:24596337

Zeng C, Ellis JL, Steiner JF, Shoup JA, McQuillan DB, Bayliss EA. Assessment of morbidity over time in predicting health outcomes. Med Care 2014; 52 Suppl 3:S52-S59. PMID:24561759

Zittleman L, Wright L, Barrientos Ortiz C, Fleming C, Loudhawk-Hedgepeth C, Marshall J, Ramirez L, Wheeler M, Westfall JM. Colorado Immersion Training in Community Engagement:  Because You Can't Study What You Don't Know. Progress in Community Health Partnerships 2014; 8(1):117-124. PMID:24859109