Kaiser Permanente Colorado Cancer Registry


The Kaiser Permanente CO Cancer Registry (KPCCR) was implemented in the early 1990’s to address the mandated reporting of primary cancer by the CO Central Cancer Registry (CCCR) per Colorado Law (6CCR1009-3, Section 25-1-122 (4)). The KPCCR has maintained this reporting responsibility as a service to the Colorado Permanente Medical Group (CPMG) and today is reporting over 4000 newly accessioned cases of primary cancer per year diagnosed in our patient population. Annually the KPCCR now processes more than 90,000 records from the primary source data files: pathology, claims, and appointments. The registry software uses both natural language processing and electronic programming to look for the specific phrases and/or ICD-10 codes that indicate a malignant or other reportable disease (i.e. benign brain disease). Records that meet the case criteria are identified and flagged to be reviewed by our Certified Tumor Registrars (CTRs). The CTRs are specifically trained to review the diagnostic information from the electronic medical record, analyze the physician assessment, pathologic and imaging findings and other necessary information to determine case reportability. The overall case review done by the CTRs approximates over 20,000 records annually. From that review more than 4000 eligible cases will be accessioned, abstracted and reported to the CCCR.

The KPCCR provides regular data extracts to the IHR’s Virtual Date Warehouse/Virtual Tumor Registry (VDW/VTR) for use in health services research. Additionally, ad hoc reporting is also provided to internal customers, i.e. Oncology, Urology, Preventive and Women Health Services, Dermatology, etc.

Cancer Registry Leadership

Stephanie Goldcamp, BA
Manager of Sponsored Projects Administration and Administrative Support Services